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A little personality
I have no rant. I am in pain. That is all. I keep falling down and hurting myself, and I can't sleep.
Rambling & Babbling
Okay so I haven't updated this place in a while, my lifeis going as follows: Work is not that bad though I wish I were independantly wealthy, my family is driving me nuts, and my love life is really good. I know that last one sounds freaky but it's true, the normal boy hasn't lost his patience yet. I'm wearing him down though, I'm sure of it.
Music of the Week!
So this is my new section. Basically I just want to rant about what I'm listening to or what is I'm ignoring right now. Currently the only thing I have to mention is the bad porno music that has become a part of the musical repetoire at work. It is a little strange but we have an entire disc of music that makes me think that if I look up there will be people getting it on some where... It just freaks me out.

Guest Book of Love
Hey sign in and maybe I'll respond!

What is your favorite color
Who is your idol?
Do you, or have you ever owned a dead monkey named Chip?

Click here to E-mail me. I like to hear from people even if I don't know them, really I do.


7/3 Off work early YEAHHH
7/4 No work at all! Barbeque with the boyfriend and select other special folks
7/9 Staff meeting early in the morning
7/13 - 7/23 House Sitting for R&R (mass Orgy)

If you know of something I have forgotten, let me know and I'll post it!

Hmm.. what a tricksy Banner
I really need to upload some more pictures...
E-mail me I am lonely